3/4 Bayside Learners, and Mrs E, are enjoying the last Friday for the term. We’ve made it through 11 weeks of learning, fun and achievements. We are off for two weeks on term holidays and we’re all looking forward to a rest!
We’ve got a few highlights from the term to share. They are:
- writing blog posts
- running in our school cross country
- fun art projects
- two class novel studies and the projects we did on them
- reading a range of books
- learning about Tasmania’s first people – the Tasmanian Aboriginals and their connection to the land
- doing Daily Five each morning and after lunch
- seeing classmates so happy to be at school
- beginning the Premier’s Reading Challenge
- performing in assembly on the marimbas as a class item
- learning about angles in geometry
- Mrs E’s funny stories
- learning more Japanese in our weekly lessons
- Daily PE and PE with Mr S
- Choir, Marimba and class music with Mrs W
- Alphabetical story writing
- Library sessions each Wednesday
The blog will be added to over the break. There are some posts that need tweaking and they will be published in the coming days. Also, Mrs E is off to the tropics so is going to post about her holidays and living in amongst acres and acres of sugar cane.
Thanks for reading and for your support on our first weeks as a blogging class.
Bye for now
Mrs E and the 3/4 Baysiders